Eduvelop: Journal of English Education and Development <p><strong><em>Journal Name: </em></strong><em>Eduvelop: Journal of English Education and Development</em><br><strong><em>Frequency:</em></strong> 2 issues a year (March &amp; September)<br><strong><em>DOI: <a href=""></a></em></strong><br><strong><em>P-ISSN: <a href="">2597-713X</a> E-ISSN: <a href=";search%5b%5d=MUST=notcanc,notinc,notissn,notissnl=%222597-7148%22&amp;search_id=1615098">2597-7148</a>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Editor-in-chief: </em><a href=""><em>Rafiqa</em></a></strong><br><strong><em>Publisher : </em></strong><em>Universitas Sulawesi Barat</em><br><strong><em>Website: <a href=""></a></em></strong></p> Universitas Sulawesi Barat en-US Eduvelop: Journal of English Education and Development 2597-713X <p>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a> (CC-BY) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt=""></a></p> Existence of English Meeting Club in Supporting the English-Speaking Skill of University Students: Their Constructive Voices <p>This study aimed to find out the students’ perception on English meeting club to support their English-speaking skill. The subject of this study were students at <em>Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare</em> who are the members of English meeting club in <em>LIBAM</em> (<em>Lintas Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa</em>). This study was case study of descriptive qualitative. There are seven students participated as research respondent. This study used interview as a research instrument. From the result of interview, majority of students had the perception that the English club was able to improve their speaking skill. They experienced development when speaking English in English meeting club such as no longer filler words anymore, can pronounce words properly, speaking correctly and know more about grammar. In addition, after joining English meeting club, they become more confident to speak in front of people. They also taught and trained to teach English at the junior and senior high school which is called TOT (Training of Trainer) in preparation for becoming tutor in the school-built program and English camp provided by <em>LIBAM</em> in several schools. The researchers concluded that the students had the perception that the English club was able to improve and support in developing English speaking skill. They are also more interested being taught by cheerful tutors in informal situations preferred in regular class, so the English meeting club provides students with a place to practice speaking English well without fear of making mistakes and it is appropriate media to improve students' speaking skill.</p> Khadijah Maming Sianna Hasman Maria Elaine A Cabuso Eka Sasmita Copyright (c) 2024 Khadijah Maming, Sianna, Hasman, Maria Elaine A Cabuso, Eka Sasmita 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 7 2 65 85 10.31605/eduvelop.v7i2.3656 Lecturers’ Non-Verbal Communication during the English Lesson: Student Perceptions Study <p>To create effective teaching and learning, it is essential to comprehend students' perceptions. It assists lecturers in customizing their teaching strategies to fit the requirements and preferences of their students. This adaptation contributes to more effective instructional strategies, more student engagement, and a more successful learning experience for everyone involved in the classroom. The research focused on exploring the perceptions of nonverbal communication employed by English lecturers among first-semester students enrolled in the Islamic education program at STAIN Majene. The study used a descriptive quantitative design which involved 140 students across four classes, with 75 volunteered as samples. A questionnaire was used to collect data on various nonverbal communication cues, and descriptive quantitative analysis was conducted to gain insights. The results demonstrate that students have a positive perception of the use of nonverbal communication by English lecturers. It implies that students prefer dynamic and positive learning environment through appropriate use of this communication method in English lessons.</p> Karman Karman Nurfadillah Nurchalis Copyright (c) 2024 Karman Karman, Nurfadillah Nurchalis 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 7 2 86 98 10.31605/eduvelop.v7i2.3666 Exploring the effect of MBKM as a New Curriculum in Indonesia <p>Higher education in Indonesia has faced significant challenges in presenting a curriculum that is responsive and relevant to the demands of the times. The Competency-Based Education Model (MBKM) has been adopted as a new approach in updating the college curriculum. This study aims to explore the influence of MBKM as a new curriculum in Indonesia. The research methods used qualitative analysis through interviews, surveys, and literature studies. The findings show that the implementation of MBKM has had a significant impact in strengthening students' skills, knowledge, and attitudes. In addition, MBKM has also changed the learning paradigm from a center of teaching activities to a center of competency achievement. However, challenges remain in integrating MBKM into the established academic culture and improving the quality of implementation consistently across universities in Indonesia. The implication of this research is the need for continuous support from various stakeholders to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of MBKM as a new curriculum that is competitive in the global context. Further research is also needed to evaluate the long-term impact of MBKM implementation on the quality of higher education in Indonesia, These include requiring courses as prerequisites, improving coordination with schools, modifying curriculum order, and clarifying credit transfer policies.</p> Reli Handayani Ahmad Alra Dani Saharudin Tubagus Zam Zam Al Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Reli Handayani, Ahmad Alra Dani, Saharudin, Tubagus Zam Zam Al Arif, Movahede Sadat Mousavi 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 7 2 99 106 10.31605/eduvelop.v7i2.3587 The interplay of Students’ Habit On Watching English Movie And Listening In Toefl Test <p>The habit of watching English movies provides an opportunity to learn language skills. Movies can be difficult for students to understand because they speak more quickly than they do in everyday conversation or English, but they can also be entertaining and help to improve specific English language skills, like listening. To measure English language skills, especially listening, reading, and structure, the English language test or TOEFL has recently become a very important thing to master in facing global competition and has become a prerequisite for graduation on various campuses in Indonesia. The study aimed to determine whether students' habits of watching English-language films and their listening comprehension on the TOEFL were related. The students were members of the English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar.The study design used a quantitative approach and the correlation method. The researcher employed tests and questionnaires to gather data. The study's participants consisted of third-semester English Education Department students at UIN Alauddin Makassar. There were one hundred students in the study's sample. Random sampling was used for this study.The method of using a questionnaire to gather information about students' viewing habits of English-language films. The TOEFL exam was the method used to gather listening data. This data analysis method made use of the Pearson product-moment correlation. The results of the study indicate a significant positive correlation (rxy = 0.826 &gt; rtable = 0.196) between students' listening and watching habits in English during the TOEFL exam at UIN Alauddin Makassar. As a result, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. This statement indicates that there is a positive and significant relationship between students' habit of watching English-language movies and their ability to listen on the TOEFL exam.</p> Tut Wuri Handayani Baso Jabu Nur Aeni Copyright (c) 2024 Tut Wuri Handayani, Baso Jabu, Nur Aeni 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 7 2 107 117 10.31605/eduvelop.v7i2.3183 The Effect of Discovery Learning Method on Students' Reading Comprehension <p>Reading comprehension is the ability of the students to interpret and understand the facts and information expressed in the reading. Discovery learning method is a strategy that encourages students to arrive at a conclusion based upon their own activities and observation. This study was aimed to examine the effect of discovery learning method on students’ reading comprehension at the second grade of MAN 2 Parepare. The results of this study are useful for teachers and students because they can get information about learning methods that can be used in learning reading. The research use pre-experimental research design with pre-test, treatment and post-test design. The sample of this research was 26 students from 86 participants students who become population. The researcher used technique random sampling in this research to get data. The results showed that the discovery learning method can improve the reading comprehension at the second grade of MAN 2 Parepare. It was indicated by the students’ mean score of post-test (77,88) was greater than the pre-test (46,54). Even, for the level significant (p) 5% and df = 25, and the t-table value is 1,708, while the value of t-test is 8,65. It means that the t-test value is greater than t-table (8,65 ≥ 1,078). Thus, it can be concluded that students’ reading comprehension is significantly better after getting the treatment. Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.</p> Erviana Vana Nurhaeni Copyright (c) 2024 Erviana Vana 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 2 118 123 10.31605/eduvelop.v7i2.2761