To avoid plagiarism, all submissions are screened using Turnitin before undergoing the review process. In order to be regarded as a plagiarism-free work, an article submission should match these requirements:
1. When indirectly quoting others, the original text should be well paraphrased, by making one’s own words, instead of performing copy and paste or typing the source word-by-word, and write down the reading sources according to the rules of scientific writing.
2. When directly quoting others, quotation marks (" ") must be applied to write the text from the original sources (for a text that is less than 40 words). If the text consists of more than 40 words, the paragraphs should be notched and written in different font size.
3. Mentioning the source of other people's ideas that are being used, whether from published or unpublished writing, both oral or written sources, in any form of media, in a proper citation and referencing style.