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An organization comprises human resources with various traits, characters, and backgrounds. Conflict within an organization is something that is possible to happen. Conflict occurs because humans are social beings who interact with one another. The location for conducting a study on Leadership, Conflict, and Conflict Management is so that conflicts can be recognized and understood, and can then be managed by leaders/managers and teams, as one of the elements which are expected to have a positive impact on the company and also for organizational/stakeholders. the company. The research was conducted using the literature review method, a study on previous studies on leadership and conflict management within an organization/company. From a literature study, an understanding can be obtained regarding the definition of conflict, the causes of conflict, the positive and negative impacts of conflict, conflict management strategies, conflict management processes, phases of team development related to conflict, the relationship between conflict and stress, conflict from a personality perspective, and the role of leadership theory in conflict management.


Kepemimpinan Manajemen Konflik Konflik Manajemen SDM Manajemen Organisasi

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