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Improving learning outcomes has always received more attention in the world of education as an effort to produce superior young people, such as improving affective learning outcomes. The results of observations regarding the affective learning outcomes of students in the Biology Education Study Program FKIP Unsulbar in the Animal Structure I course show that there are still many students who do not carry out lecture assignments and do not respect the opinions of friends during presentation and discussion activities. This kind of situation can certainly affect the learning process in the classroom. The purpose of this research is to improve students' affective learning outcomes through the application of the Group Investigation learning model. This type of research is Classroom Action Research with 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages. This study measures student affective learning outcomes with 5 indicators, namely accepting lecturer assignments, carrying out lecturer assignments, respecting friends' opinions, living learning, and practicing learning. The results of this study were an increase in the average affective learning outcomes of students in each indicator from cycle 1 to cycle II by 3.4 points. The conclusion of this study is that there is an increase in the average affective learning outcomes of students in the Animal Structure 1 course, Unsulbar Biology Education Study Program through the application of the Group Investigation learning model from cycle 1, namely 11.3 to cycle 2, of 14.7. The percentage of action success also increased from cycle 1 of 75% to cycle 2 of 98%. It is recommended to carry out further research to measure Biology concepts, learning models, and improve the abilities of other students.


affective learning outcomes, Group Investigation

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