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Democratization upholds freedom becomes the basis for actualization of each person. Themselves, including in political matters. Individual freedom guaranteed by the constitution in the state reflects the high popularity of this democratic system. However, this freedom ultimately reinforces the gap between identities (religion, ethnicity, language, gender, etc.) in state especially with regard to national political issues. Questions of religion and nationalism two identities that are currenty being discussed in the country. Identity controversy politics escalated until there was an accusation that this interest group then began to divige a nation that is used to respecting differences. This article aims to define the political the reality of religious and nasionalist groups. For this, qualitative and research methods were used. Study this problem. This study shows that divisions arising from political grouping on the basis of religious identity and nationalism undermined the stability of the country, which characterized by the emergence of critical trust in the authorities, the spread of false news, persecution and limited space for democratization. Etc. Democratization, which defends feedom, becomes the basis for the actualization of each individual, including in political issues. Individual freedom guaranteed by the constitution in the state, reflects the high popularity of this democratic system. However, this freedom, in the end, furtheir clarifies gap between identities in the state especially on national policy issues. Questions of relion and nationalism-two identities which are now being discussed in the country. Identity politics controversy erupted until the allegation that this interest group then began to divige the nation, which previously respected diffrences. This article aims to define the political reality religious and nationalist groups. For this, qualitative and research methods were used. Problem this study shows that the sivision that arises from political grouping based on religious identity and natonalism have undermined the stability of the country, which is marked by trust emergence of critical , the spread of false news, persecution, and limited space for semocratization.


Identity politics Religion Nationalism

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