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The central government through the village ministry issues policies to control inflation at the village level with various programs and activities that can be carried out by the village government, one of which is the food security program in the village, the focus of this research is the implementation of the food security program as an effort to control village level inflation in the district. Bogor with the aim of knowing the accuracy of the implementation of the food security program as an effort to control village level inflation based on various aspects according to the policy implementation theory of Daniel A. Mazmanian and Paul A. Sabatier (1983) descriptive research with a qualitative approach. In analyzing the implementation of the food security program as an effort to control village-level inflation, the author collected various data regarding the food security program which was carried out through literature reviews and interviews with the community and apparatus in several villages. The results showed that the implementation of the food security program as an effort to control village-level inflation had been implemented quite well. This can be seen from various measuring aspects, including problem characteristics, policy characteristics and the policy environment, where each aspect has various indicators that determine whether an aspect is fulfilled or not.

Keywords: program implementation, food security, village level inflation


program implementation village level inflation food security

Article Details

Author Biography

Muhammad Sajidin, Universitas Sulawesi Barat



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