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Jama'ah Tabligh is a group that is based on conveying the virtues of Islamic teachings to everyone who can be reached by this jama'ah. ah tabligh in the village of Tabahidayah. This research method is a qualitative research with a case study type of research. Researchers obtained data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The informants of this study were the tabligh congregation in Tabahidayah village and Muslim youth. The results of this study believe that the tabligh congregation in Tabahidayah village was initiated by the arrival of travelers from Tobelo because they saw the condition of the community and Muslim youth in Tabahidayah village who really needed good religious teachings and the arrival of tabligh congregation in Tabahidayah village received rejection from the community as well as the Muslim youth themselves, due to a lack of understanding of religion, and the Tabahidayah village area which is a remote area far from the clergy resulting in a reduced source of Islamic teachings. The da'wah strategy used by the Tablighi congregation in fostering Muslim youth in Tabahidayah village is sentimental strategy (al-manhaj al-athifi), rational strategy (al-manhaj al-aqli) and sensory strategy (al-manhaj al-hissi).


Strategi Dakwah, Jama’ah Tablig, Pembinaan Remaja Muslim.

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