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This study aims to find out and analyze Masdar and Mengga's political rivalry as a political institution and the level of rivalry between the Masdar Clan and the Mengga Clan in the Polewali Mandar elections. This research uses the concept of political behavior, elite theory, conflict theory and the concept of rivalry. Type of qualitative research with descriptive type of analysis. Determination of informants was done purposively. Data collection is done through interviews and literature reviews. The results of the study show that the classy image possessed by Masdar and Mengga is influenced by their role in a political institution, which in turn leads to the similarity of his personality as a public actor that has an effect on the conflict of positions that are considered important, the background to make the Family and family Different views in terms of politics. The political rivalry that occurred between the Masdar and Menggga families was temporal because the two families still maintained a kinship relationship by maintaining the emotional connection between the two and each had no intention to be hostile.


Rivalry, Clan, Elite

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