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The main focus of Revolution in Military Affairs is about possibilities, which are the new possibilities of war with low causalities, which makes war a more acceptable political means, the possibility of precision-strike, which use of the cutting-edge information and technology based military forces, that can attack precisely where the enemies are, and not lead to miss targeting the enemies, and so on. China and the United States have a relationship characterized by both competition and collaboration. After 147 years of US economic dominance, China's rapid economic growth has moved the US into second place. China's rapid economic expansion poses a challenge to the United States and could impact its status as a superpower. As a result, there will be greater instability among major powers under the multipolar international order. However, there are other potential sources of instability in the upcoming multipolar international order. Today's power dynamics have elevated the international system to a completely new level.




Revolution in Military Affairs, Multipolar, Superpower

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