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In the Islamic view, the practice of online gambling is considered an act that is contrary to religious principles and the moral values ​​taught. First of all, online gambling violates the principle of monotheism, namely belief in one almighty God. In gambling, a person often places his luck or fate on bets, ignoring trust in Allah as a provider of fair and sustainable sustenance. Therefore, the aim of the author is to discuss the principles of online gambling from an Islamic perspective. The research method used by the author is a qualitative method used with a data collection system through literature review, where the researcher is not directly involved in the field in the research. However, looking for data through library data, for example scientific journals, books, articles, and so on. By producing descriptive research. (Reyhan et al., 2023) Thus, from an Islamic legal perspective, the punishment for gambling players is ta'zir. Ta'zir punishment is a punishment decided by a judge, because the punishment for gambling is not explained in the Koran or hadith. The authority for punishment is given to judges with the aim of safeguarding the interests of society with the aim of not using the law against people who do not want to obey and comply with Islamic law to comply with the laws of Allah SWT. (Mawardi., 2002). Online gambling is included in one of the crimes committed using computer network technology or what is usually called cyber crime. In the public's view, online gambling is an act of gambling carried out by someone using headphones that does not disturb the public.



Perjudian,online, prespektif, hukum Islam

Article Details


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