MANDAR: Social Science Journal 2023-12-24T22:09:33+08:00 Mandar Social Science Journal [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Mandar: Social Science Journal/MANDARSSJ (e-ISSN 2548-3188) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Universitas Sulawesi Barat. MANDARSSJ is dedicated to publishing contemporary social science issues or studies. MANDARSSJ publishes research papers in fields such as politics, law, education, communication, sociology, economics, international relations, and relevant studies in other social science fields. MANDARSSJ is a scientific journal published two periods a year, in January-June and July-December.</p> Rivalitas Politik Elit Lokal Klan Masdar dan Klan Mengga 2023-10-08T14:55:51+08:00 Taufik Ikhsan [email protected] <p>This study aims to find out and analyze Masdar and Mengga's political rivalry as a political institution and the level of rivalry between the Masdar Clan and the Mengga Clan in the Polewali Mandar elections. This research uses the concept of political behavior, elite theory, conflict theory and the concept of rivalry. Type of qualitative research with descriptive type of analysis. Determination of informants was done purposively. Data collection is done through interviews and literature reviews. The results of the study show that the classy image possessed by Masdar and Mengga is influenced by their role in a political institution, which in turn leads to the similarity of his personality as a public actor that has an effect on the conflict of positions that are considered important, the background to make the Family and family Different views in terms of politics. The political rivalry that occurred between the Masdar and Menggga families was temporal because the two families still maintained a kinship relationship by maintaining the emotional connection between the two and each had no intention to be hostile.</p> 2023-10-08T14:55:38+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Universitas Sulawesi Barat All rights reserved Analisis Strategi Kebijakan Ekonomi Politik Preventif Indonesia Menghadapi Krisis Energi Tahun 2021 2023-12-20T22:12:53+08:00 Abdul Hafid Tahir [email protected] <p>The global energy crisis is an increase in energy needs during the economic recovery period, where at the same time, part of the energy infrastructure is being sorted but there are obstacles due to an infectious pandemic. This research is a type of descriptive research. This research plays a role in examining, parsing and analyzing the relationship between concepts and facts in explaining the political economic policy strategy adopted by the Indonesian government as a preventive measure for the 2021 energy crisis. The concept of energy security is very crucial for Indonesia at this time. Where the Indonesian government has implemented several policies to strengthen its national energy security by developing an energy policy that is based on needs, reducing petroleum subsidies to a minimum, renewing energy policy so that it can strengthen the governance of the national energy sector and strengthening the legislative and policy framework for energy verification using development EBT (Renewable Energy). Downstreaming is one of the strategies implemented by Indonesia to increase the selling value of commodities, strengthen the industrial structure, provide more employment opportunities, and also increase domestic business opportunities. By carrying out downstreaming, in the future the commodities exported will no longer be raw materials, but will be semi-finished goods or goods that are ready to be used. Selling or exporting goods in semi-finished or ready-to-use form will automatically increase selling value, especially for Indonesia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: <strong><em>Indonesia, crisis, energy security, strategy</em></strong></p> 2023-12-20T22:12:53+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Universitas Sulawesi Barat All rights reserved Identitas Budaya Tradisi Mesawe’ Sayyang Pattu’du Suku Mandar Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam 2023-12-22T21:57:48+08:00 A Tamaruddin [email protected] <p><em>Tradition according to Koentjaraningrat (Koentjaraningrat, 2003) is an action carried out by society for a long time and has become part of the habits of a group of people who are usually from the same country, culture or religion.The aim of this research is to get to know more about cultural forms massawe' sayyang pattudu and describe cultural identity massawe in Islamic law. The research method in this writing uses a descriptive qualitative type of research or literature review, namely research that produces written and verbal descriptions with observable behavior. This research is research that applies normative juridical methods. Results of this research messawe sayyang pattu'du viewed from the perspective of Islamic law, it certainly does not appear to be an Islamic tradition. Rather, it is a process of renewal between Islam and traditional culture that has been made relevant by an Islamic cleric in the land of Mandar. This is because the application of customary law does not necessarily take the form of a collective agreement. culture massawe sayyang pattudu It can be concluded that this is the identity of the Mandar tribe which aims as a form of entertainment for the community and also as motivation for children to be more active in studying the Quran and reciting it.</em></p> 2023-12-22T21:55:39+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Universitas Sulawesi Barat All rights reserved The United States Revolution in Military Affairs and the Possibility of the Increasing Tension in East Asia 2023-12-23T23:35:08+08:00 Danar Hafidz Adi Wardhana [email protected] Wandi Abbas [email protected] <p><em>The main focus of Revolution in Military Affairs is about possibilities, which are the new possibilities of war with low causalities, which makes war a more acceptable political means, the possibility of precision-strike, which use of the cutting-edge information and technology based military forces, that can attack precisely where the enemies are, and not lead to miss targeting the enemies, and so on. China and the United States have a relationship characterized by both competition and collaboration. After 147 years of US economic dominance, China's rapid economic growth has moved the US into second place. China's rapid economic expansion poses a challenge to the United States and could impact its status as a superpower. As a result, there will be greater instability among major powers under the multipolar international order. However, there are other potential sources of instability in the upcoming multipolar international order. Today's power dynamics have elevated the international system to a completely new level.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-12-23T23:35:08+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Universitas Sulawesi Barat All rights reserved PERADILAN IN ABSENTIA DALAM PERKARA TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI 2023-12-24T22:09:33+08:00 Muh. Arfhani Ichsan A.H. [email protected] <p><em>Peradilan in absentia dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi berhubungan erat dengan eksistensi hak-hak terdakwa.Hak-hak terdakwa patut dijunjung tinggi sebagai amanah konstitusi dan UU (KUHAP). Namun peradilan in absentia dianggap berpotensi untuk merampas hak-hak terdakwa. Peradilan In Absentia tidak berbeda dengan tuntutan peradilan dalam perkara biasa di lingkungan peradilan umum. Dalam penuntutan perkara In Absentia seperti lazimnya perkara biasa memuat identitas terdakwa, dakwaan, uraian fakta hukum dan alat bukti yang diajukan dalam pemeriksaan serta analisa pembuktian unsur-unsur pasal yang dirumuskan di dalam dakwaan mengacu kepada alat bukti yang diperoleh didepan persidangan. penyidikan In Absentia tidak terdapat berita acara pemeriksaan tersangka. Meskipun tidak dilakukannya pemeriksaan terhadap tersangka, namun berita acara pemeriksaan Tersangka seharusnya tetap dilampirkan dan wajib memuat identitas tersangka secara lengkap mengacu pada ketentuan Pasal 143 ayat (2) huruf a KUHAP yaitu nama lengkap, tempat lahir, umur atau tanggal lahir, jenis kelamin, kebangsaan, tempat tinggal, agama dan pekerjaan tersangka. Pentingnya identitas tersangka karena akan dituangkan dalam surat dakwaan dan menjadi syarat formil surat dakwaan namun peradilan in absentia dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi tidak terlepas dari kelemahan-kelemahan yang dihadapi.</em></p> 2023-12-24T22:09:33+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Universitas Sulawesi Barat All rights reserved