Analisis Pendapatan Petani Rumput Laut Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Kabupaten Bulukumba

Income Analysis of Seaweed Farmer during COVID-19 Pandemic in Bulukumba Regency

  • Farhanah Wahyu Jurusan Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, South Sulawesi
Keywords: Pendapatan, rumput laut, COVID-19, Pandemi


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan harga rumput laut selama pandemic covid-19 terhadap pendapatan petani rumput laut. Penelitian ini diambil pada bulan April sampai Juli 2021 di Kelurahan Bintarore Kabupaten Bulukumba, metode penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara secara deskriptif eksploratif dengan tetap menggunakan protokol kesehatan yang diberlakukan pemerintah selama pandemic. Hasil wawancara dengan menggunakan analisis pendapatan dan R/C ratio. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa pandemi Covid-19 memberi dampak yang buruk terhadap jumlah pendapatan petani rumput laut. Nilai jual rumput laut yang rendah dengan biaya produksi jauh berbeda saat sebelum pandemic. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa harga rumput laut jenis Eucheuma cottoni mengalami penurunan harga jual yakni sebesar Rp16.000, dimana harga rumput laut saat sebelum pandemic Rp. 24.000. Perubahan harga tersebut mempengaruhi pendapatan petani rumput laut dengan hasil analisis R/C ratio adalah 0,6 lebih kecil dari angka 1 yang artinya usaha budidaya rumput laut saat adanya pandemic mengalami kerugian. Sehingga diperlukan strategi pengembangan budidaya rumput laut dan pembinaan diversifikasi hasil budidaya yang mampu dikembangkan selama pandemic.


The present study aims to determine the effect of changes in seaweed prices during the COVID-19 pandemic on the income of seaweed farmers. Data collection was taken from April to July 2021 in the Bintarore Village, Bulukumba Regency. An exploratory descriptive interview method with health protocols were imposed during data collection. A R/C ratio was calculated for data analysis. The results showed that Covid-19 pandemic had a negative impact on the income of seaweed farmers. The low selling value of seaweed with production costs is much different before the pandemic. The price of Eucheuma cottoni commodity went down from IDR27,000 to IDR16,000. These price changes affect the income of seaweed farmers with the results of the R/C ratio analysis was 0.6.  This suggests that the seaweed cultivation business during a pandemic suffers losses. Therefore, a strategy for developing seaweed cultivation such as diversification of aquaculture products is required during a pandemic.
