Effectiveness of Soaking Foot Therapy with Warm Water to decreased blood pressure in Hypertension Patient

  • amliani sendana
Keywords: sehat, hipertensi, masyarakat


Hypertension is a common cause of stroke and heart attack. Hypertension is often called the silent killer. In addition to pharmacological therapy, the management of hypertension can also be done by non-pharmacology therapy. One of them through foot soak therapy with warm water that is useful to dilate blood vessels and accelerate blood circulation. The purpose of analyzing the effectiveness of foot soak with warm water to the decrease in blood pressure in patients with stage 1 hypertension in the village of Banua Sendana Majene district west Sulawesi Indonesia. This research method that aims Quasi Experimental Design to determine the effect that arise as a result of the behavior / intervention to the experimental group. The experimental design used in this research is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The study was conducted on 9 April to 9 May. The sample size of 42 respondents consisted of 3 experimental groups and 3 control groups. Each experimental group consisted of (7) respondents who were given therapy intervention 1 times daily, daily and 3 times daily. While each control group consisted (7) respondents who did not get intervention. The statistical test used is Wilcoxon and Crustal Wallis test. Wilcoxon analysis resulted to soak the foot with warm water with frequency 1 times and 2 times a day at systolic blood pressure has p-value 0.018 <0.005 and diastolic blood pressure p-value 0.018 <0.005. at 3 times a day the systolic pressure has p-value 0.017, diastolic 0.008. Crustal Wallis analysis shows foot soaked with warm water 1 times a day, 2 times a day and 3 times a day has p-value 0.003, diastolic 0.000. This means there is a significant drop in blood pressure. Conclusion therapy foot soak with warm water more effectively done 3 times a day to lower blood pressure in patients with stage 1 hypertension.

