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The implementation of public diplomacy is increasing in popularity, many countries pay special attention to the performance of their public diplomacy. Public diplomacy is an effort made to influence individuals or other organizations outside their country in a positive way or it can be said that diplomacy does not use violence in its implementation so that in the end it can change the view of a country. Indonesia itself has long carried out public diplomacy, an Indonesian diplomat stated that Indonesia has even carried out public diplomacy since its independence. Public diplomacy activities in creating the image of the Indonesian nation play an important role in creating world peace, including in knitting brotherhood between nations that are established in bilateral and trilateral relations of a country, besides that the part of public diplomacy in education is also needed to give a positive image of Indonesia in the eyes of the world so then it will further strengthen the relationship between Indonesia and Thailand with the cooperation that was built and agreed upon by the two, and this can be achieved one way or another through the use of a country's public diplomacy. So that the use of public diplomacy is essential and should be given more attention by a country in achieving its national interests.


Public Diplomacy Bilateral Relations Educational Cooperation Indonesia Thailand

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