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Indonesia is the largest coffee bean producing country after Brazil, Colombia and Vietnam. International trade is a way for Indonesia to establish cooperative relations with Egypt in order to carry out export activities as the country's economic growth rate. This study aims to determine the strategy of the Indonesian government in increasing its coffee exports to Egypt. The preparation of this study used a qualitative approach with literature review data collection techniques sourced from various literature such as books, journals, articles, official news related to this research. In this study, the authors use the concepts of international trade and commercial diplomacy so as to provide an overview of the issues to be examined, namely how the Indonesian government's strategy is to increase coffee exports to Egypt and the obstacles to the Indonesian government's strategy in increasing coffee exports to Egypt. These results indicate that the strategy adopted by the Indonesian government in an effort to increase coffee exports to Egypt has had a major effect on increasing the volume of the Indonesian economy.


Coffee Import, Indoensai, Egypt, Bilateral Cooperation

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