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This study discusses the Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with the Sokol-Howell response function and anti-predator behavior. It is assumed that prey has anti-predator behavior that aims to reduce the risk of predation and not as an attempt by prey to find food. This study aims to formulate a Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with the Sokol-Howell response function and anti-predator behavior, analyze the model's equilibrium point and model interpretation. Stability analysis was carried out using the linearization method. The type of stability is determined based on the characteristic eigenvalues ​​obtained using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. The results of the analysis of the equilibrium point show that prey populations will exist and predators will become extinct if the anti-predator coefficient is greater than the intrinsic growth coefficient of predators, while prey and predator populations will always exist if the intrinsic growth coefficient of predators is greater than the anti-predator coefficient and fulfills other conditions required. Based on the numerical simulations performed, the interpretation is that an enlarged anti-predator coefficient increases the number of prey populations until they approach the carrying capacity, while predator populations decrease significantly and over time experience extinction.


predator-prey Leslie-Gower model, Sokol-Howell response function, anti predator

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