Journal Description

Journal Name: Journal of Mathematics: Theory and Applications
2 issues a year (April & October)
2685-9653, E-ISSN: 2722-2705
Wahyudin Nur
Publisher :
Prodi Matematika, Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Journal of Mathematics: Theory and Applications is a scientific journal that accommodates scientific work in the fields of mathematics, theory and application, including algebra, analysis, statistics, geometry, actuarial, financial mathematics, computational mathematics and applied mathematics. This issue is published 2 (two) numbers in a year (April and October) by the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of West Sulawesi with online ISSN 2722-2705

Call for Papers: Vol. 6, 2023

Oct 27, 2023

Call for Papers: Jomta (Journal of Mathematics: Theory and Applications)
We invite you to submit your paper to Jomta (Journal of Mathematics: Theory and Applications). Papers submission deadlines: 
Volume 6 No.1 April 2024, submission deadline: February 2024
Volume 6 No.2 October 2024, submission deadline: Agustus 2024
Submit your manuscripts today through our online system.
The scopes of accepted papers are:

  • Mathematics: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics
  • Statistics: Statistical Methods, Applied Statistics, and Data Science.

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Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Volume 6, Nomor 1, 2024

Journal of Mathematics: Theory and Applications Volume 6 Number 1 (April 2024) has been officially published.

Published: Apr 16, 2024

Symplectic Form yang Berkaitan Dengan Satu-form Suatu Aljabar Lie Berdimensi Rendah

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Model Generalized Space Time Autoregressive with Variable Exogenous (GSTARX) Dalam Meramalkan Data Inflasi di Sulawesi Selatan

8-18 Khadijah Khadijah, Hikmah Hikmah, Fardinah Fardinah, Apriyanto Apriyanto, Nurhidayah Nurhidayah, Sri Dian Lestari
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Model Predator-Prey Leslie-Gower dengan Fungsi Respon Sokol-Howell dan Perilaku Anti Predator

19-30 Fardinah, Darma Ekawati, Hikmah Hikmah, Hirman Rachman
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Implementasi Prinsip Pontryagin Dalam Masalah Kontrol Optimal Pada Model Matematika Interaksi Perokok

31-41 Lukman Hakim Muhroni
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Perbandingan Metode Muller dan Metode Newton-Raphson dengan Dekomposisi Adomian yang Dimodifikasi dalam Menyelesaikan Persamaan Polinomial

42-54 Try Azisah Nurman, Andi Mariani, Rahmat Nurhidayat Rahmat
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Global Sensitivity Analysis of A Rabies Epidemic Model involving Dog Vaccination and Dog Population Management

55-66 Wahyudin Nur, Darmawati
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Estimasi Bayes Empirik pada Model Rantai Markov untuk Menggambarkan Karakteristik Curah Hujan di Kota Makassar

67-74 Wahidah Sanusi
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Valorant Haven Strategy Using BIP and Weighted Graph

75-96 Ermelinda Benna Kireyna, Jovian Dian Pratama, Mauliddino Rizky Pratama, Sri Lutfiya Dwiyeni, Apni Diyanti, Bernardinus Rico Dewanto, Sunarsih
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Akurasi Model Prediksi Menggunakan Metode Automatic Clustering Fuzzy Time Series pada Indeks Harga Konsumen di Kota Makassar

97-103 Arwini Arisandi, Hardianti Hafid
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Klasifikasi Penggunaan Teknologi Pada Petani Milenial di Sulawesi Selatan Menggunakan Density Based Spatial Clustering Algorithm With Noise

104-113 Hardianti Hafid, Arwini Arisandi
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Solusi Numerik Model Matematika SIPAS dalam Penyebaran Praktik Monkey Business dengan Metode Adams-Bashforth-Moulton

114-123 Muhammad Abdy, Irwan Irwan, Variska Anjani
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