1. The manuscript must be written in the following Journal Template in Language or English.
2. The accepted manuscript is written in standard Indonesian and English.
3. The manuscript must be original and has not been published elsewhere.
4. Authors should avoidFabrication(fabricating data and results of a study),falsification(manipulating research materials, equipment, processes, altering data, or intentionally discarding data or results),Fragmentation(breaking the research data into different manuscript themes so that the discussion cannot be in-depth), and Turnitin software to filter plagiarism(taking ideas, processes, results or words without mentioning the source) and The maximum similarity is 25%.
5. The title of the manuscript is written in Indonesian (Capital Every Word), font: Times New Roman – 14 bold, centered, should be as short as possible, and represent the content of the manuscript (maximum 14 words). The abstract is written in two languages: English and Indonesian (Language), as a representation of the manuscript. Abstract should not exceed 150-250 words (see: Journal Template in Indonesian or English), written narratively in one paragraph, containing the purpose / purpose, method, and research findings / article. Font: Times New Roman – 11.
6. Keywords: words or phrases that are important; Specific; or represent an article (maximum 5 words).
7. The length of the manuscript is approximately 10-15 pages, written in A4 paper format, written using Times News Roman (TNR) font size 12, and space 1.15. margin: 2.5 up; left 3; true 2.5; 2.5 at the bottom.
8. The manuscript consists of five main headings: Introduction; Research Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Reference List.
9. The author's name is written under the title (Font: Times New Roman – 12, Bold), followed by the author's affiliation (Font: Times New Roman – 10).
10. The APA style of the 7th side is used as a reference in citation, reference, and writing formats as well as using Mendeley's reference management tools.
11. The reference list is in the form of accredited, internationally reputable, and non-journal national journal articles published in the last 5-10 years. The number of references is at least 20 sources.
12. The manuscript must be in *.doc, Docx, or *.rtf format, and sent to the journal system via online submission by creating an account in this Open Journal System (OJS) [ click REGISTER if you do not have an account, or click LOG IN if you already have an account].
13. All Authors' names and identities must be listed in full on the form filled out by the relevant author: email; affiliation; and a short biography of each author (in the 'Bio Statement' column). [if the manuscript is written by two or more authors, please click 'Add Author' in the 3rd step 'ENTER METADATA' in the submission process and enter the data of each author.]
14. The author's biography (in the Bio Statement column) is written in the form of a narrative containing the author's full name, place and date of birth, as well as educational qualifications/information ranging from undergraduate level (S1) to the last educational degree, the affiliation where the author currently works.
15 All correspondence, information, and decisions on the submitted manuscript are made through the email written in the manuscript and / or the email used for submission. The status of the manuscript can be checked in OJS by logging into the journal.
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Penerbit : Universitas Sulawesi Barat
Pengelola : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Alamat. Jl. Prof.Dr.Baharuddin Lopa, SH, Talumung,
Majene, Sulawesi Barat
Telp/Fax : (0422) 22559
Website: https://www.unsulbar.ac.id
E-mail : celebes@unsulbar.ac.id
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Website : http://ojs.unsulbar.ac.id/index.php/cjee