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Regardless of its importance, pronunciation practice received a small portion in EFL teaching. This issue has attracted researchers to investigate how pronunciation practice is conducted in the EFL setting and what challenges are there. The results of the investigations have provided useful insights into what happens in the EFL classrooms. However, with the global pandemic outbreak that forced massive migration to emergency remote teaching (ERT), it remains unclear how pronunciation practice is carried out. This exploratory study attempts to shed light on the matter. It aims to portray the pronunciation practice during ERT and identify the challenges faced by the teachers. To limit the scope of the study, the researchers focused the investigation only on pronunciation accuracy. Data were collected through document analysis, non-participatory observation, questionnaire, and in-depth interview after gaining consent from two senior high schools English teachers in Indonesia. The collected data were then analyzed using the interactive model of analysis. This study reveals that during ERT, pronunciation practice received a small portion of attention, as earlier studies have found. The average time allocated is 10% of the total duration of learning. Most of the accuracy training was carried out with a similar pattern of activities, i.e., read aloud, listen-and-repeat, and teachers’ corrective feedback as the response of the student's errors. Presented in ERT, pronunciation accuracy training experienced several problems, and the most prominent is related to the internet connection. A poor internet connection can be disastrous for accuracy training as implementing synchronous learning or uploading and downloading audio/video requires a good and strong internet connection. Another problem is the lack of students’ engagement to study due to the difference in sensation and excitement with face-to-face learning. These imply that adequate preparation is needed in applying pronunciation accuracy instruction, apart from the material itself.


Emergency Remote Teaching; pronunciation accuracy; pronunciation practice

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How to Cite
Khoirida, A., Setyaningsih, E., & Zainnuri, H. (2021). Exploring pronunciation teaching practice in emergency remote teaching: Lesson from Indonesian high school context. Eduvelop: Journal of English Education and Development , 5(1), 1-12.


  1. Abdolmanafi-Rokni, Seyed Jalal, Seyed Jalal, and Abdolmanafi - Rokni. 2013. “The Effect of Listening to Audio Stories on Pronunciation of EFL Learners.” MJAL Journal.
  2. Asikin, Norbazila Mohd, and Noor Aireen Ibrahim. 2020. “Challenges in Teaching Pronunciation in Malaysian Secondary Schools: Novice Teacher’s Perspective.” LSP International Journal 7 (2): 119–37.
  3. Baker, Amanda, and John Murphy. 2011. “Knowledge Base of Pronunciation Teaching: Staking Out the Territory.” TESL Canada Journal.
  4. Brown, Adam. 1991. Pronunciation Models. London: NUS Press.
  5. Burgessa, John, and Sheila Spencer. 2000. “Phonology and Pronunciation in Integrated Language Teaching and Teacher Education.” System 28 (2): 191–215.
  6. Celce-Murcia, Marianne, Donna M. Brinton, and Janet M. Goodwin. 1996. Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. TESOL Quarterly. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  7. Chiu, Hsing-Hui Winnie. 2008. “Practical Understandings: Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Pronunciation Teaching.” THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON.
  8. Couper, Graeme. 2016. “Teacher Cognition of Pronunciation Teaching amongst English Language Teachers in Uruguay.” Journal of Second Language Pronunciation.
  9. Cunningham, Una. 2015. “Teaching English Pronunciation Online to Swedish Primary-School Teachers.” Second Language Learning and Teaching 24.
  10. Darcy, Isabelle, Doreen Ewert, and Ryan Lidster. 2012. “Bringing Pronunciation Instruction Back into the Classroom: An ESL Teachers’ Pronunciation “Toolbox.” Proceedings of the 3rd Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference.
  11. Derwing, Tracey M., and Murray J. Munro. 2005. “Second Language Accent and Pronunciation Teaching: A Research-Based Approach.” TESOL Quarterly 39 (3): 379.
  12. Derwing, Tracey M., Murray J. Munro, and Grace Wiebe. 1998. “Evidence in Favor of a Broad Framework for Pronunciation Instruction.” Language Learning 48 (3): 393–410.
  13. Drane, Catherine, Lynette Vernon, and Sarah O’Shea. 2020. “The Impact of ‘Learning at Home’ on the Educational Outcomes of Vulnerable Children in Australia during the COVID-19 Pandemic;” In Literature Review Prepared by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Australia., 1–15.
  14. Foote, Jennifer A., Amy K. Holtby, and Tracey M. Derwing. 2012. “Survey of the Teaching of Pronunciation in Adult ESL Programs in Canada, 2010.” TESL Canada Journal.
  15. Foote, Jennifer Ann, Pavel Trofimovich, Laura Collins, and Fernanda Soler Urzúa. 2016. “Pronunciation Teaching Practices in Communicative Second Language Classes.” Language Learning Journal 44 (2): 181–96.
  16. Gilakjani, Abbas Pourhosein, Reihaneh Sheikhy, Iraj Montashery, and Iraj Montashery. 2019. “A Mixed Method Study of Teachers’ Attitudes towards Computer Pronunciation Software in Teaching English Pronunciation.” International Journal of Instruction 12 (1): 821–40.
  17. Gilakjani, Abbas Pourhossein. 2017. “English Pronunciation Instruction: Views and Recommendations.” Journal of Language Teaching and Research 8 (6): 1249–55.
  18. Hasan, Naziya, and Naved Hassan Khan. 2020. “ONLINE TEACHING-LEARNING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVE.” The Online Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning 8 (4).
  19. Hazaea, Abduljalil Nasr, Wagdi Rashad Ali Bin-Hady, and Marwa Mekni Toujani. 2020. “Emergency Remote English Language Teaching in the Arab League Countries: Challenges and Remedies.” Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal(CALL-EJ) 22 (1): 201–22.
  20. Hazaymeh, Wafa’ A. 2021. “EFL Students’ Perceptions of Online Distance Learning for Enhancing English Language Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic.” International Journal of Instruction 14 (3): 501–18.
  21. Hismanoglu, Murat, and Sibel Hismanoglu. 2010. “Language Teachers’ Preferences of Pronunciation Teaching Techniques: Traditional or Modern?” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2): 983–89.
  22. Hodges, Charles B, and Denver J Fowler. 2020. “The COVID-19 Crisis and Faculty Members in Higher Education: From Emergency Remote Teaching to Better Teaching through Reflection.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education.
  23. Huensch, Amanda. 2018. “Pronunciation in Foreign Language Classrooms: Instructors’ Training, Classroom Practices, and Beliefs.” Pronunciation in Foreign Language Classrooms: Instructors’ Training, Classroom Practices, and Beliefs 1 (20).
  24. Kelly, Gerald. 2002. How to Teach Pronunciation. Harlow: Longman.
  25. Levis, John M. 2006. “Pronunciation and the Assessment of Spoken Language.” Spoken English, Tesol and Applied Linguistics, 245–70.
  26. Lyster, Roy, Kazuya Saito, and Masatoshi Sato. 2013. “Oral Corrective Feedback in Second Language Classrooms.” Language Teaching 46 (1): 1–40.
  27. Mardiah, Henny. 2020. “The Use of E-Learning to Teach English in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic.” English Teaching and Linguistics Journal (ETLiJ).
  28. Martin, Ines A. 2020. “Pronunciation Development and Instruction in Distance Language Learning.” Language Learning and Technology.
  29. Miles, Matthew B., A. Michael Huberman, and Johnny Saldaña. 2014. Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebook. 3rd ed. London: Sage Publications, Inc.
  30. Murphy, Deirdre. 2011. “An Investigation of English Pronunciation Teaching in Ireland.” English Today.
  31. Nenakhova, Ekaterina. 2021. “Distance Learning Practices on the Example of Second Language Learning during Coronavirus Epidemic in Russia.” International Journal of Instruction 14 (3): 807–26.
  32. Owusu-Fordjour, C., C. K. Koomson, and D. Hanson. 2020. “The Impact of Covid-19 on Learning - The Perspective of the Ghanaian Student.” European Journal of Education Studies 7 (3).
  33. Pennington, Martha C., and Jack C. Richards. 1986. “Pronunciation Revisited.” TESOL Quarterly.
  34. Rahayu, Alfi Septi, and Ahmad Munir. 2018. “A Case Study of The Pronunciation Practice in A Senior High School.” RETAIN 6 (2): 104–11.
  35. Saito, Kazuya, and Roy Lyster. 2012. “Investigating the Pedagogical Potential of Recasts for L2 Vowel Acquisition.” TESOL Quarterly 46 (2).
  36. Shah, Shanina Sharatol Ahmad, Juliana Othman, and Fatiha Senom. 2017. “The Pronunciation Component in ESL Lessons: Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices.” Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 6 (2): 193–203.
  37. Thomson, Ron I., and Tracey M. Derwing. 2015. “The Effectiveness of L2 Pronunciation Instruction: A Narrative Review.” Applied Linguistics 36 (3): 326–44.
  38. Wahid, Ridwan, and Suhaila Sulong. 2013. “The Gap between Research and Practice in the Teaching of English Pronunciation: Insights from Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices.” World Applied Sciences Journal 21 (Special Issue of Studies in Language Teaching and Learning), 133–42.
  39. Yi, Youngjoo, and Jinsil Jang. 2020. “Envisioning Possibilities amid the COVID‐19 Pandemic: Implications from English Language Teaching in South Korea.” TESOL Journal 11 (3).
  40. Yoshida, Marla. 2016. Beyond Repeat After Me: Teaching Pronunciation To Ells. TESOL Press.
  41. Yusuf, Bibi Noraini Mohd, and Jihan Ahmad. 2020. “Are We Prepared Enough? A Case Study Of Challenges In Online Learning In A Private Higher Learning Institution During The Covid-19 Outbreaks.” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 7 (5). Abdolmanafi-Rokni, Seyed Jalal, Seyed Jalal, and Abdolmanafi - Rokni. 2013. “The Effect of Listening to Audio Stories on Pronunciation of EFL Learners.” MJAL Journal.
  42. Asikin, Norbazila Mohd, and Noor Aireen Ibrahim. 2020. “Challenges in Teaching Pronunciation in Malaysian Secondary Schools: Novice Teacher’s Perspective.” LSP International Journal 7 (2): 119–37.
  43. Baker, Amanda, and John Murphy. 2011. “Knowledge Base of Pronunciation Teaching: Staking Out the Territory.” TESL Canada Journal.
  44. Brown, Adam. 1991. Pronunciation Models. London: NUS Press.
  45. Burgessa, John, and Sheila Spencer. 2000. “Phonology and Pronunciation in Integrated Language Teaching and Teacher Education.” System 28 (2): 191–215.
  46. Celce-Murcia, Marianne, Donna M. Brinton, and Janet M. Goodwin. 1996. Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. TESOL Quarterly. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  47. Chiu, Hsing-Hui Winnie. 2008. “Practical Understandings: Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Pronunciation Teaching.” THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON.
  48. Couper, Graeme. 2016. “Teacher Cognition of Pronunciation Teaching amongst English Language Teachers in Uruguay.” Journal of Second Language Pronunciation.
  49. Cunningham, Una. 2015. “Teaching English Pronunciation Online to Swedish Primary-School Teachers.” Second Language Learning and Teaching 24.
  50. Darcy, Isabelle, Doreen Ewert, and Ryan Lidster. 2012. “Bringing Pronunciation Instruction Back into the Classroom: An ESL Teachers’ Pronunciation “Toolbox.” Proceedings of the 3rd Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference.
  51. Derwing, Tracey M., and Murray J. Munro. 2005. “Second Language Accent and Pronunciation Teaching: A Research-Based Approach.” TESOL Quarterly 39 (3): 379.
  52. Derwing, Tracey M., Murray J. Munro, and Grace Wiebe. 1998. “Evidence in Favor of a Broad Framework for Pronunciation Instruction.” Language Learning 48 (3): 393–410.
  53. Drane, Catherine, Lynette Vernon, and Sarah O’Shea. 2020. “The Impact of ‘Learning at Home’ on the Educational Outcomes of Vulnerable Children in Australia during the COVID-19 Pandemic;” In Literature Review Prepared by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Australia., 1–15.
  54. Foote, Jennifer A., Amy K. Holtby, and Tracey M. Derwing. 2012. “Survey of the Teaching of Pronunciation in Adult ESL Programs in Canada, 2010.” TESL Canada Journal.
  55. Foote, Jennifer Ann, Pavel Trofimovich, Laura Collins, and Fernanda Soler Urzúa. 2016. “Pronunciation Teaching Practices in Communicative Second Language Classes.” Language Learning Journal 44 (2): 181–96.
  56. Gilakjani, Abbas Pourhosein, Reihaneh Sheikhy, Iraj Montashery, and Iraj Montashery. 2019. “A Mixed Method Study of Teachers’ Attitudes towards Computer Pronunciation Software in Teaching English Pronunciation.” International Journal of Instruction 12 (1): 821–40.
  57. Gilakjani, Abbas Pourhossein. 2017. “English Pronunciation Instruction: Views and Recommendations.” Journal of Language Teaching and Research 8 (6): 1249–55.
  58. Hasan, Naziya, and Naved Hassan Khan. 2020. “ONLINE TEACHING-LEARNING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVE.” The Online Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning 8 (4).
  59. Hazaea, Abduljalil Nasr, Wagdi Rashad Ali Bin-Hady, and Marwa Mekni Toujani. 2020. “Emergency Remote English Language Teaching in the Arab League Countries: Challenges and Remedies.” Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal(CALL-EJ) 22 (1): 201–22.
  60. Hazaymeh, Wafa’ A. 2021. “EFL Students’ Perceptions of Online Distance Learning for Enhancing English Language Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic.” International Journal of Instruction 14 (3): 501–18.
  61. Hismanoglu, Murat, and Sibel Hismanoglu. 2010. “Language Teachers’ Preferences of Pronunciation Teaching Techniques: Traditional or Modern?” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2): 983–89.
  62. Hodges, Charles B, and Denver J Fowler. 2020. “The COVID-19 Crisis and Faculty Members in Higher Education: From Emergency Remote Teaching to Better Teaching through Reflection.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education.
  63. Huensch, Amanda. 2018. “Pronunciation in Foreign Language Classrooms: Instructors’ Training, Classroom Practices, and Beliefs.” Pronunciation in Foreign Language Classrooms: Instructors’ Training, Classroom Practices, and Beliefs 1 (20).
  64. Kelly, Gerald. 2002. How to Teach Pronunciation. Harlow: Longman.
  65. Levis, John M. 2006. “Pronunciation and the Assessment of Spoken Language.” Spoken English, Tesol and Applied Linguistics, 245–70.
  66. Lyster, Roy, Kazuya Saito, and Masatoshi Sato. 2013. “Oral Corrective Feedback in Second Language Classrooms.” Language Teaching 46 (1): 1–40.
  67. Mardiah, Henny. 2020. “The Use of E-Learning to Teach English in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic.” English Teaching and Linguistics Journal (ETLiJ).
  68. Martin, Ines A. 2020. “Pronunciation Development and Instruction in Distance Language Learning.” Language Learning and Technology.
  69. Miles, Matthew B., A. Michael Huberman, and Johnny Saldaña. 2014. Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebook. 3rd ed. London: Sage Publications, Inc.
  70. Murphy, Deirdre. 2011. “An Investigation of English Pronunciation Teaching in Ireland.” English Today.
  71. Nenakhova, Ekaterina. 2021. “Distance Learning Practices on the Example of Second Language Learning during Coronavirus Epidemic in Russia.” International Journal of Instruction 14 (3): 807–26.
  72. Owusu-Fordjour, C., C. K. Koomson, and D. Hanson. 2020. “The Impact of Covid-19 on Learning - The Perspective of the Ghanaian Student.” European Journal of Education Studies 7 (3).
  73. Pennington, Martha C., and Jack C. Richards. 1986. “Pronunciation Revisited.” TESOL Quarterly.
  74. Rahayu, Alfi Septi, and Ahmad Munir. 2018. “A Case Study of The Pronunciation Practice in A Senior High School.” RETAIN 6 (2): 104–11.
  75. Saito, Kazuya, and Roy Lyster. 2012. “Investigating the Pedagogical Potential of Recasts for L2 Vowel Acquisition.” TESOL Quarterly 46 (2).
  76. Shah, Shanina Sharatol Ahmad, Juliana Othman, and Fatiha Senom. 2017. “The Pronunciation Component in ESL Lessons: Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices.” Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 6 (2): 193–203.
  77. Thomson, Ron I., and Tracey M. Derwing. 2015. “The Effectiveness of L2 Pronunciation Instruction: A Narrative Review.” Applied Linguistics 36 (3): 326–44.
  78. Wahid, Ridwan, and Suhaila Sulong. 2013. “The Gap between Research and Practice in the Teaching of English Pronunciation: Insights from Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices.” World Applied Sciences Journal 21 (Special Issue of Studies in Language Teaching and Learning), 133–42.
  79. Yi, Youngjoo, and Jinsil Jang. 2020. “Envisioning Possibilities amid the COVID‐19 Pandemic: Implications from English Language Teaching in South Korea.” TESOL Journal 11 (3).
  80. Yoshida, Marla. 2016. Beyond Repeat After Me: Teaching Pronunciation To Ells. TESOL Press.
  81. Yusuf, Bibi Noraini Mohd, and Jihan Ahmad. 2020. “Are We Prepared Enough? A Case Study Of Challenges In Online Learning In A Private Higher Learning Institution During The Covid-19 Outbreaks.” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 7 (5).
  82. Zhang, Tianhong. 2020. “Learning from the Emergency Remote Teaching-Learning in China When Primary and Secondary Schools Were Disrupted by COVID-19 Pandemic.” Education Faculty Publications.

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