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: This research discussed are the use of silent demonstration method to improve the students ability in writing. This research is conducted using a quasi-experimental method  was carried out. The population of the research was the Seventh grade of Mts DDI PacongangPinrang in academy years 2014- 2015 which consisted of two classes VII a and  VII b  were taken as the sample which consist of (30 students). The sample was drawn using cluster random sampling technique. While class VII B  was chosen as the experimental group, while VII a  was chosen as control group. The instrument for collecting data were writing test. The data obtained through the test were analyzed  using t-test.The result of this research was use of silent demonstration significant difference with the use of conventional away / direct instruction   (English book / script) of the students writing ability.This Indicate the mean the  experimental group is higher than control group (75.8 > 68.83).There was also the result of t-test  value is higher than t-table value (8.648 > 1.671) In other word hypothesis ) is that null hypothesis  ( Ho) is rejected and Hypothesis Alternative (H1) is accepted. It is concluded ; the writing ability the seventh grade students of MTs DDI PacongangPinrang be improved through silent demonstration method by  procedure text .


Silent demonstration method students’ writing ability procedure text

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How to Cite
Sari, F. (2018). Using Silent Demonstration Acmethod to Improve Students’ Ability on Writing Procedure Text at the Seventh Grade of MTS DDI Pacongang Pinrang. Eduvelop: Journal of English Education and Development , 2(1), 1-12.


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