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This study aims to determine the effect of using Media Resso on students' vocabulary mastery in the eighth grade (8) SMPN 2 Majene. This research is quantitative using a quasi-experimental design, and the subject of this research is 40 students. This study uses Cluster Random Sampling to determine the sample. Data was collected using pre-test and post-test instruments consisting of 20 questions in the form of Fill In The Blank and Matching words. The data analysis technique used is the Paired sample t-test with the SPSS version 20 application for windows. The results of the research analysis indicate that the average post-test score is 74.25, which is higher than the pre-test average value, which is 49.75. This means that Ha is acceptable. Therefore, Resso Media can affect students' vocabulary mastery after being given treatment.


Resso Media Teaching English Vocabulary Lyrics of song English Song Teching Media

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How to Cite
Umar, & Narmayani. (2023). Resso Media in Teaching English Vocabulary Mastery: A Lyrics of Song Approach. Eduvelop: Journal of English Education and Development , 6(2), 175-182.


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