Dear Editor, Author, and Reviewers

Eduvelop: Journal of English Education and Development has been publishing an article on Vol 6, No 2 March 2022 ,Thank all of the authors and Reviewers for working with Eduvelop, We believe that our collaboration will help to accelerate global knowledge. All of the Manuscripts will be assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI, Crossref). EDUVELOP has been Accredited by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education with Decree No. B/1410/E5/E5.2.1/2019


Published: Feb 13, 2023

Are they finely tuned?: Mapping the CEFR level of the reading texts of the English textbook for grade 10 of Indonesian senior high school

93-102 Dairabi Kamil
Read Statistic: 412

Designing English Instructional Model: An Integrated Technology in ESP for Biological Students

103-113 Rahmatullah Syaripuddin, Salasiah Ammade
Read Statistic: 216

An analysis of Pharmacy Students’ English Language needs

114-124 Roudlotun Nurul Laili, Muhammad Nashir
Read Statistic: 357

The Integration of Guided Question Technique in Oral Presentation Method to Improve Students Speaking Ability

125-136 Khadijah Maming, Badaruddin, Anisa Meifa Anton
Read Statistic: 184

Utilizing English Tiktok as a Media in Learning English Vocabulary: University Students’ Perspective

137-150 Jessica Ruth Melvira Simanungkalit, Caroline Victorine Katemba
Read Statistic: 2823

Students’ Self-Efficacy and Students’ Speaking Skill: A Correlational Analysis

151-158 Rafiqa, Fitriani
Read Statistic: 494

Teaching Writing with Authentic Video through SWELL Method for EFL Students

Read Statistic: 77

Resso Media in Teaching English Vocabulary Mastery: A Lyrics of Song Approach

175-182 Umar, Narmayani
Read Statistic: 124

EFL Teachers and Students’ Views of Using Mendeley as Reference Management Tools in Academic Writing

183-198 Jhems Richard Hasan, Alvons Habibie
Read Statistic: 222

Pre-service EFL’ Teachers’ perception of multilingualism and multilingual education

199-210 Syarifah Safira Syahrani Al’Aidid, Herri Mulyono
Read Statistic: 205